Blog entries
Welcome to the opinions zone
How to Escape the Frontend Medior Void?
If you’re a beginner and want to progress, you might be stuck in the medior void—here's the light you need to follow.
Would you rather be feared or loved?
There was a question on X, would you ratehr be feared or loved. Both emotions towards you are somewhat passive, you are 'reciver' in both cases, but fear can make people do way more things than love - so most of people choose - feard. I chose love, lets dive in.
Are you authrised, dear sir??
So, how to handle userflow with login, logout, authorisation, what user can and cant see in react?
Happy healthy software developer
How to keep your mask of sanity on the workplace.
How to lead frontend projects: Dealing with moving parts
There are many ways to describe react as a library. My persional description of react is a reactive state machine
Reactive state machine
There are many ways to describe react as a library. My persional description of react is a reactive state machine
Second Birthday
When I had surgery for testicular cancer, my cousin told me its my "second birthday". In so many ways that makes sense
Few things no one will tell you about software development
For a years I'm hearing encouraging words for aspiring software developers. There is a dark side. Here are few things no one will tell you about.
Slobode od zelje za kontrolom i prihvatanja sudbine takvu kakva jeste. Amor fati - voli svoju sudbinu takvu kakva jeste.