Happy healthy software developer

I have recently written a blog about the dark side of the IT industry. While my focus is primarily on IT and software engineering, much of what I discuss can apply to various workplaces. In that blog, I promised a “solution” or a set of tools and techniques I’ve acquired over the years to help me be more effective, productive, and overall happier. Since my teenage years, I have struggled with anxiety, and while it negatively impacted my quality of life back then, many of the tools I’ve learned have helped me better understand myself and find solutions to new challenges.
Progressive muscle relaxation is important.
A lot of people don’t know how to relax. While some people are generally more easygoing than others, everyone has a shifting point. While its all fine and dandy while you are younger as you get older and you gain more responsibilities - we are more and more stressed. Now I’m not going to go in details what stress does to ourselfs but I’m going to show you few techniques that I’m using to relax.
Progressive muscle relaxation is one of the best techniques I’ve used. It’s pretty simple. You can start with your fingers. Begin with your pinky finger—tighten it, then relax it. Next, move to your ring finger—tighten it, then relax it. Do this for all the fingers on your right hand, then your left. Afterward, move on to your entire fist—clench it to contract the muscles, then relax your whole hand. Continue moving through each muscle group—forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, neck, etc. Scan your entire body and do this for each muscle group. You can do this while lying down or sitting—either position works—and breathe gently. Don’t focus on deep or slow breathing, just breathe normally. The key is consistency. At first, you won’t see immediate effects, but with practice, you’ll perfect the technique. Relaxing will become so easy it’ll feel like second nature!
Worring less is important
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with worrisome thoughts, create a “worry period” for yourself. Set aside a specific time each day, say 5-10 minutes, and allow yourself to worry as much as you need. Try to go over each worry, both job-related and personal. Some people believe this technique might attract negativity, but even if you think that, it’s impossible to stay positive all the time. This technique helps you keep your worries contained. At least, that’s what has worked for me.
Assertivness is important .
This comes naturally to me, since I’m kinda disagreable person, but I’ve noticed that some of my favorite people are not that disagreable and are not assertive enough. Being assertive helps a lot, it will create potential smaller conflict before everything goes bananas. So, start with small steps and small disagreements you have with other coworkers. Don’t be rude but speak your mind. If you think something is wrong, say it. Don’t hold it in yourself. If someone is treating you poorly - say it. Now, you don’t have to be jack about it, but explain why is that bothering you. If you see a mistake in someones work - also say it. “I think this is wrong approach and here is why.”, worst thing that can happen - that person might not like you, but trust me, they are probably arent liking you already, person that really likes you will love you if you are more open and assertive towards them.
Journaling is important.
A bullet journal is both a journaling and planning tool in one. The purpose of this journal is to write things in small chunks and mark them with different annotations. For example, you might mark a task with a dash, an idea with an exclamation mark, and a dilemma with a question mark. You can create your own system that works best for you. If you need more details about bullet journaling…
Movement is important.
Stretch, run, jump, play ping pong, tennis, MMA, swim—whatever it is, just do it. You’re sitting all day, and your body will be happier for it. You’ll sleep better, your bloodwork will improve, your aerobic capacity will increase, and your brain will function better, helping your body handle stress much more effectively. Just find an activity and stick with it.
This is short list of things I’m using to keep my mask of sanity. It might not work for everyone, and I use a few other methods as well. If you want more details, you can always search for alternatives. There are many ways to keep yourself happy and productive in the workplace.
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