Well, I have oppinions_



My name is Mladen Milosavljevic and this is my personal site. Im using this space to share my oppinions, views and general journey. I'm a software developer by trade, however I like to think about myself as a polymath since im interested in all kinds of different topics. I will be sharing my fitness, psychological and health journey, since Im cancer survivor and I struggle with anxiety, depression and add for my whole adult life.

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Latest blog entries
No one really knows css

No one really knows css. No, you don't even if you think you do.

Second Birthday

When I had surgery for testicular cancer, my cousin told me its my "second birthday". In so many ways that makes sense

Few things no one will tell you about software development

For a years I'm hearing encouraging words for aspiring software developers. There is a dark side. Here are few things no one will tell you about.